Friday, April 1, 2011

Sea Horse

The horse is an animal that strong. He is always running, even if carrying a heavy load though. But there's a horse can not run normally swim in an upright position and the color is too colorful. His name was the Sea Horse. Sea horse is not just any horse because the horse can only live in the sea. But remember! not to be moved to fresh water, because it'll be dead.

The origin of this animal called the Sea Horse is because his head is shaped like a horse that is on land and tube-shaped mouth to help it in finding food in the crevices of coral.

Unlike the various types of horses on the ground if there is a Female Horse Stud Horse and they have children but if it was as though male seahorses that give birth.

Seahorses are the types of fish because he was breathing with gills. The size is very small compared with horses that are on land, adult body size only reaches 28-30 cm, just imagine, what about the small size of the adult if it only reaches the size of a ruler who is 30 cm.Untuk usually shy away from danger they never swim away from the reef with its tail on the reef mooring.


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