Saturday, April 2, 2011


Mokele-Mbembe is in the public legend of the Congo, Africa, who live along the river flow. Even the name mbembe mokele comes from the Lingala, one of the local tribal language, which means "something that secures the flow of the river. " As the name implies, this animal was living in surrounding rivers. Even the west has compared these animals as a monster who lives in Lake Loch Ness.

bodied Mokele-Mbembe like an elephant, but the long-necked. Tails and small heads of this creature, and her body is brown-gray, so there are descriptions of sauropod-like animal that has been extinct. These animals eat the plants are large, and according to legend, these animals usually forage in the river bend. Boha Village Society, one of the villages in the Congo, regard this creature as an intangible beings, though convinced of its existence.


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