Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sumatran Tiger Habitat,s

Sumatran Tiger Habitat,s is found only on Sumatra island. This big cat can live anywhere, from lowland forests to mountain forest, and lived in many places are not protected.

Only about 400 individuals live in nature reserves and national parks, and the rest scattered in other areas are cleared for agriculture, there are also approximately 250 males were reared in zoosall over the the world . Tiger

Sumatra suffered the threat of loss of habitat due to swampy areas such as blocks of lowland forests, peatlands and threatened mountain rain forest clearing for agricultural land and commercial plantations, as well as encroachment by logging and road construction activities.

Due to the increasingly narrow habitat and decreases, the tiger had to enter the region closer to humans, where often they were killed and arrested for entering rural areas or lost due to an accidental encounter with humans.


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